Thursday, July 26, 2007

Finally Chocolate Cupcakes

Hihi Welcome to Cupcake Loft!!

Today i'm especially excited cos i decided and after many different experimented chocolate cupcakes failures.....Here is my latest flavor to my collection of cupcakes~!!!

*~Devil's chocolate~*

Yup Chocolatey in every sense and maybe to some will be alittle bitter cos i like my chocolate bitter haha like dark chocolate mmm...Yum yum!! So for this it will be $1.80 each and min of 6 to usual 2 days in advance :))
The Swirly design

The Star design
Currently only made them in these 2 designs...My devil's chocolate are made from scratch and top with chocolate buttercream. Wordings should be available to write on them but i honestly havne't tried it yet.
Well hope this is good news to some of my customers (esp donna lol)
Take care and have a great day!!

Safari Attack!!!


Time to take out ur toy guns and hunt for safari animals!!! lions, giraffe...wait..bunny?!?!

Oh well here are some buttercream creatures i've created...really took alot of time but it was fun and well i dont think i wanna do it anymore...too much work and candies!! haha..well wells enjoy

Thanx for visiting!!

Love Natalie

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hi Welcome to Cupcake Loft!!! Okie...i'm real sorrie for not loading up any pic..but u know how hard it was for me to get these pic from my phone to the com??? (u have no idea) lol...

Anyway this is my new item i added to my cupcakes. I experimented with the chocolate cupcakes...fails so miserable i think it was the worst!!! ah well..back to the recipe book again..

This is my new Cupcake. -Buttercream cupcake- Basically i just created this for a less sweeter alternative for cupcakes. Its vanilla cupcakes with centre filled raspberry jam and swirls of strawberry flavored buttercream. Currently the color of the cupcakes come in Pink only cos of the flavoring i use for the cupcakes...ill make adjustments to flavor and color of the cupcake as i go... so pls look for the price of the cupake on my left <<<<<<<<<<<<<
Have a nice day and thanx for visiting my blog ^^

XOXO Natalie

Sunday, July 1, 2007


Sorrie i have really log in a real entry for so long...i know u all must be wondering where i went...!!

Honestly its just that thers nothing really to post phone is spoilt so i could take any good pics of the cupcakes that i made..The most recent thing that i did was a cupcake tower for my fren's wedding..which would have turn out beautifully if not for the rain...i was praying to god that it would affect my icing..but it did alittle!!

Well i dont have a pic of it of course..but once my fren sends it to me..i'll post it up. I think next month i'll come up with new designs for the cupcakes just keep in store. I've also decided for the meantime i wont be having any new flavors mostly becos i have no time to experiment anymore. I'm not selling Chocolate cupcakes. i'm sorrie all that were anticipating. :(

Well love you all!! take care..i'll post some pic or somthing soon!!